HtmlWidget constructor

  1. String html,
  2. {bool buildAsync,
  3. AsyncWidgetBuilder<Widget> buildAsyncBuilder,
  4. bool enableCaching: true,
  5. WidgetFactory factoryBuilder(
    1. Key key,
    2. Uri baseUrl,
    3. CustomStylesBuilder customStylesBuilder,
    4. CustomWidgetBuilder customWidgetBuilder,
    5. Color hyperlinkColor,
    6. void onTapUrl(
      1. String
    7. EdgeInsets tableCellPadding: const EdgeInsets.all(5),
    8. TextStyle textStyle: const TextStyle(),
    9. bool unsupportedWebViewWorkaroundForIssue37: false,
    10. bool webView: false,
    11. bool webViewJs: true}

    Creates a widget that builds Flutter widget tree from html.

    The html argument must not be null.


      String html, {
      bool buildAsync,
      AsyncWidgetBuilder<Widget> buildAsyncBuilder,
      bool enableCaching = true,
      WidgetFactory Function() factoryBuilder,
      Key key,
      Uri baseUrl,
      CustomStylesBuilder customStylesBuilder,
      CustomWidgetBuilder customWidgetBuilder,
      Color hyperlinkColor,
      void Function(String) onTapUrl,
      EdgeInsets tableCellPadding = const EdgeInsets.all(5),
      TextStyle textStyle = const TextStyle(),
      this.unsupportedWebViewWorkaroundForIssue37 = false,
      this.webView = false,
      this.webViewJs = true,
    })  : assert(html != null),
            baseUrl: baseUrl,
            buildAsync: buildAsync,
            buildAsyncBuilder: buildAsyncBuilder ?? _buildAsyncBuilder,
            customStylesBuilder: customStylesBuilder,
            customWidgetBuilder: customWidgetBuilder,
            enableCaching: enableCaching,
            factoryBuilder: factoryBuilder ?? _getEnhancedWf,
            hyperlinkColor: hyperlinkColor,
            onTapUrl: onTapUrl,
            textStyle: textStyle,
            key: key,